Is your digital business lagging despite having a decorated website? Why are more and more customers leaving your website without purchasing anything? Actually, it’s not your website’s fault, all you need is to replace your website with a sales funnel. Groovefunnels vs Clickfunnels aid you in this matter. So, today we will discuss one of the most relevant topics of modern digital marketing – Clickfunnels vs Groovefunnels. Let me give you an example. Think of a situation where you want to purchase a bed from a particular company. You visit the company’s website and there you come across tables, chairs, cupboards, and a variety of different types of furniture. This plethora of extra items distracts you from your main intended purchase and thus you become baffled and might end up leaving the site with an oath never to visit it again! The above situation is a real-life scenario of how businesses lose their customers through their websites having a multi-directional approach. This problem is combated by the build sales funnels which have a unidirectional approach to the customers.

What Is A Sales Funnel?

We have clearly seen the disadvantages of a website in modern-day e-commerce platforms. So, the main question of our discussion is: What is this sale funnel? Sales funnel is actually a psychological game that you as the owner of a company would want to play with your customers to enhance your company’s build sales funnels. A sales funnel is the series of steps you want to take your genuine customers through to maximize your profit. Here, customers have a string of limited and focused options, unlike the websites. In this way, you control your customers’ actions and finally lead them to purchase the product they really came to seek.

What Are Clickfunnels Vs Groovefunnels?

Now, it’s time for us to know what Clickfunnels vs Groovefunnels actually means. They are two pieces of software that assist you in creating sales funnels as per your company’s requirements. Russen Brunson founded Clickfunnels, and Mike Filsaime founded Groovefunnels. These sales funnel software aids in multiplying your online sales profit and thus becoming the backbone of modern businesses.

Clickfunnels vs GrooveFunnels- Similarities

Both of the software have some appealing analytics features groovefunnels vs click funnels and characteristics in common. Keep reading to learn more.

  1. USER-FRIENDLY Whenever you think of using software, you sometimes presume that it might be too complex to use and handle. So, this slight fear of technology is present in many company owners across the globe.  But, don’t worry, both groovefunnels and Clickfunnels understand our anxiety and thus are extremely user-friendly. Here, your customization of sales funnels is just a few clicks away!
  2. AVAILABILITY OF SHOPPING CART Both have a shopping cart where your build a sales funnel so people can help your genuine customers in shopping. Here your salespeople review comparisons guide your customers through the sales funnel mechanism if the customer asks for their service. This is quite a unique and appealing feature in this modern world where new disclosure ranking methodologies and processes confuse us. The shopping cart is present in both of these, this is very contrast with the shopping carts we see in online shopping applications.
  3. CUSTOMER SERVICES It’s not the technology, man force, or the product that built a business, it’s the customers. So, service to the customers is the utmost responsibility of any company. A company can only thrive by providing its best customer service facilities. Both reach out to their customer’s queries via emails and live chats. Apart from that, in Clickfunnels, if the customer has a paid membership, there is a VIP phone aid to help you out. Groovefunnels on the other hand assist customers via a help desk called GrooveDesk.
  4. PRESENCE OF EMAIL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Now, if you want to hold on to your precious customers, you have to be in touch with the person in the virtual world. Now, it is practically impossible to email every customer one by one. Thus, an efficient automated email management feature is the need of the hour.
  5. Groovefunnels in Clickfunnels Affiliate Management Tool : both are equipped with these affiliate management pages’ groovefunnel tools and have an in-built CRM. Actionatics is the name given to CRMs of Clickfunnels while Groovefunnels call their CRMs GrooveMail.
  6. AVAILABILITY OF TEMPLATES In this modern era of online marketing, templates have proven to be an indispensable part of modern businesses.  Both have diverse types of templates according to the requirements of various businesses. You can also customize the templates if you want.

Clickfunnels vs GrooveFunnels- Difference


It is obvious that the more efficient the software is, the more compatible and beneficial it is for your business.  Clickfunnels have a bit of an old-fashioned technical setup. This hinders the working efficiency of Clickfunnels. So, though it is quite well-known for developing pages sales funnels (Via sales funnels groovefunnels), you might think twice about using this software for creating the sales funnels for your business Groovefunnels being more modern has a more efficient working format and much more diverse and appealing features than Clickfunnels.


Now, in the 21st century, I don’t think I need to talk about the importance of digital calendars. From the first sip of morning tea, we tend to see the routine for that day that these digital calendars present in a user-friendly and organized way. They also enhance your productivity by managing your time according to the scheduled meetings and workload. Clickfunnels do not have this digital calendar feature while Groovefunnels does. This is a great disappointment for consumers using Clickfunnels and thus a great relief for consumers using Groovefunnels.


This digital marketing world is full of rivals and competitors. You thus have to push your mental horizons to unravel a phenomenon for the success of your company. Video hosting is thus a crucial part of your business via which you can spread your company’s robust and unique creations. Again, Groovefunnels proves to be a better choice than Clickfunnels because of the availability of video hosting platforms review comparisons. You can thus present to all your customers your new users groovefunnels offers and sales.


Blogging is becoming the heart and soul of any flourished or emerging company. It is a great tool to convey relevant pieces of information to your true customers.  In the case of click funnels explore groovefunnels, no such blogging feature is available while there is a developing blog feature as GBlog in Groovefunnels.

Clickfunnels vs GrooveFunnels – Pricing comparison

1. Clickfunnels pricing comparison

Investing money and making money is what business is all about in simple privacy policy terms. Thus, money should be handled carefully and prudently. So, understanding and analyzing the groovefunnels pricing comparison is crucial for any business owner. So, let us talk about the costs one by one. First, let’s talk about the pricing of Clickfunnels. Winner click funnels groove grants you 14 days of a free trial which mean you can create your very own funnel at no cost …Try ClickFunnels For 14 Days For Free Clickfunnels have three types of plans each demanding a different amount of money:

  1. Basic Plan There is a basic plan costing $97 per month. This plan grants you to create the utmost 20 sales funnels. Also, as many as 20,000 visitors and 3 domains are allowed. Thus, this plan is the most opted one among the three plans.
  2. Platinum plan The next month’s platinum plan is known as the groovefunnels platinum plan and it costs about $297 per month. This plan gives you unlimited visitors allowance, the opportunity to create unlimited sales funnels, and then unlimited Funnelflix, follow-up funnels, etc.
  3. big boys club Last but not least, comes the big boys club. This plan is the costliest having a price of $2497 per month.

2. Groovefunnels Pricing Comparison

Now let’s come to Groovefunnels. Groovefunnels grants you a free trial which means you can create your very own funnels funnel pages at no cost …Try GroveFunnels For For Free It has two types of pricing structures. One is the freemium plan and Lifetime platinum deal which costs about $1397.

They are planning to implement the monthly payment structure by classifying the plans into silver, gold, and platinum.

Clickfunnels vs GrooveFunnels-Comparison Chart

So, let’s compare groovefunnels or Clickfunnels side by side to enhance your understanding of both the software for sales funnels funnel and which one is easy to create sales funnels. (comparisons guides research)

Few keen observers of Digital Marketing extrapolate these two players akin to the digital analogy to the Greek mythological war between the newly formed Olympians (the ‘Groovers’) taking on the Titans (the ‘Clickers’). Later the same set of observers also confesses that the modern-day digital landscape has space for both – the Olympians and the Titans – to coexist. Background on Marketing Funnels So, does this story have a happy continuation? Before calling out the jury, it might be worth taking a step back to understand the fundamentals of marketing automation customer Funnel. The old school of thought, i.e., the digital immigrants would summon the AIDA (Awareness – Interest – Desire – Action) concept of sales conversion using the funnel. However, like all legacy concepts, the Marketing Funnel has gone through a digital reform, thanks to the flamboyance of all the Digital natives.  In the infinity of the world wide web, the funnel is uplifted Attract – Engage – Capture – Nurture – Convert. Aficionados of sales funnel builders like GrooveFunnels in ClickFunnels present exemplary slide shows and persuasive blogs wherein each side is unequivocally invested in the power of their choice of sale funnel builder. However, the vast majority of users are still on the fence. This majority is usually undecided on the choice of the right sales funnel builder (reviews builderall review) although they are sanguine about their offering. All they care about is finding the right method to reach out to the (optimally) best-targeted audience that would subsequently result in maximum conversions.

Groovefunnels vs Clickfunnels 2023 – Features

Who has the best answer to this vehement need of the ever-growing population of social media-building content groove creators and business personnel?  Is it Todd Dickerson, founder of ClickFunnels in 2014, or his rival Mike Filsaime who founded GrooveFunnels less than 2 years back? Let us go into the depth of the two SAAS products by looking closer into the fine print of the features.

1) Target Users:

ClickFunnels is best suited for entrepreneurs and sales specialists. It is a sales funnel and serves almost a singular function – to effectuate sales and business. It provides a multitude of sales integrations, tools, features, and training programs ultimately helping people create an engaging sales page through an inbuilt all-in-one marketing software platform. It also allows users to automate every step of their sales process, again under the umbrella of singlehood. GrooveFunnels is a more advanced application for making a sales funnel. This is because it also aids in making websites and marketing tactics. Thus, it has proven to be an immense relief for emerging business owners. 

Which One To Pick And When?

So, we have discussed the features, similarities, and differences between them We have even discussed the target users. Still again we want to address the trickiest question: Which software is best for you and when? As a result, you must make a decision based on your company’s needs, requirements, and economics. In my opinion, choose Clickfunnels in the following cases:

  1. You are a call person in case of resolving your queries
  2. You don’t want to use Groovefunnels because it’s still in beta. 
  3. The integrated sales pipeline is one of your primary needs
  4. You believe that having a high-converting sales funnel is essential for the success of your company.
  5. You are more confident about Clickfunnels because of its huge success records
  6. You prefer dynamic templates for your sales funnels to allure customers

Now, let’s talk about Groovefunnels. So, In my opinion, choose Groovefunnels in the following cases:

  1. You want to host videos as you feel it’s the key to success in your digital business
  2. You are a passionate blogger and thus require a fully-functional blogging platform
  3. You feel the immense need for an automated digital calendar to boost your efficiency.
  4. GroovePages and GrooveSells attract you and so you are lifetime access to them for your business
  5. Every business is different and diverse from the others. So, it’s very crucial to understand the needs of that business. So, choose Clickfunnels or Groovefunnels taking into consideration the type of digital business you run, the types of customers you want to focus on, and the features you need to enhance the growth of your business. Then, use your business wits and go for one of them.

1. Does groove funnels allow users to share their sales funnels?

ANS: Yes, absolutely. You can share your sales funnels with anyone you want via the email address or a link.

2. Is the Live Webinar Software present in groove funnels?

Ans: Yes, you can definitely have live webinars in groovefunnels because of the availability of Live Webinar Software.

3. I was wondering what would happen if I exceed 20k visitors on my Clickfunnels Basic plan?

Ans: If you exceed 20,000 visitors on your basic plan, Clickfunnels will add an affiliate badge to all your funnel pages. You will not be credited for the referrals from the affiliate badge.

4. I am bothered that in Clickfunnels, after the free trial period, will I be automatically charged?

Ans: Yes, you will be charged automatically after the free trial period. You can stop this from happening by canceling your account before the free trial period ends, that is, before 14 days are over. 

5. Is the video hosting feature of Groovefunnels complimentary with the plans?

Ans: Yes, the video hosting feature is complimentary in Groovefunnels. This feature also provides you with unrestricted bandwidth and storage.

6. Many of the customers are concerned about whether they can track the shipment of the products which they have purchased in Clickfunnels?

ANS: When any customer places their order in Clickfunnels, it takes 2-3 business days to process that order. Following that, an email with tracking information is sent to the customer’s registered email address. It takes 1-2 weeks for domestic shipment while it can take almost a month in case of international shipment. If the customers still have queries regarding their order shipment, they can go to Clickfunnels support to resolve their issues.

Clickfunnels vs GrooveFunnels-Final Conclusion

So, I have tried to cover every inch of the topic and elaborated on all the major features, similarities, differences, and even which one to pick. So, now that you are ready with the robust knowledge of both Clickfunnels vs Groovefunnels 2023, you need to hurry up! The clock is ticking, and you could be losing the day’s largest profit with every second that passes. So move and create the appropriate sales funnel for your company. Keeping everything we’ve discussed in mind, choose either Clickfunnels or Groovefunnels. If you are still confused, give them both a shot. And always remember, be a customer first and then the supplier! If you like this article on Groovefunnels Vs Clickfunnels then share it and share the great information with others also and share your point of view also in a comment, Excited to know that. This problem is combated by the sales funnel feature offer which has a unidirectional approach for the customers.

Clickfunnels Vs GrooveFunnels 2023   Which Is Really Better  - 52Clickfunnels Vs GrooveFunnels 2023   Which Is Really Better  - 85