The NABARD Microfinance India Report 2011 report documents the progress under the SHG-Bank Linkage program over the past year along with information about the new initiatives and facilitating role played by Nabard. The progress under the MFI-Bank Linkage program is also provided with a detailed analysis of trends and growth among microfinance institutions. The SHG Bank linkage has about 4000 partners and has blossomed as a decentralized, yet cost-effective microfinance initiative. It is the fastest-growing Micro-Finance initiative in the world, enabling about 97 million poor household’s access to sustainable financial services from the banking system. The institutional credit outstanding against the SHG’s as at the end of March 2011 exceeded Rs 31,200 Crores – An experiment that has no parallel anywhere else in the world. The full report released by NABARD in December 2011 can be downloaded at the links below:
Download the report at the link below: Size 11 MB Right-click and choose ” Save Link As” or “Save Target As” Nabard Microfinance India 2011 Report – PDF-11MB