Initiative to tackle the shortage of skilled teachers launched

Dubai-based entrepreneur Siddharth Balachandran has launched an intensive finishing programme to train fresh and inexperienced bachelor of education (BEd) graduates in India in a move to create a talent pool of schoolteachers to tackle an acute shortage of skilled faculty. KT

IIM-A grads` start-up launches gaming competition

In a bid to develop gaming applications for the education sector, Educational Initiative (, a startup venture of three Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) graduates, has launched an online educational game building competition. BS

India’s first Startup Village at Kochi

The country’s first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) telecom business incubator – ‘Startup Village’ – will be set up at Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation Park in Kalamassery near here. Read more at NDTV

5 Steps For Launching a Startup From a Small Town

Entrepreneurs aren’t solely bred in Silicon Valley and don’t need to hustle on Wall Street to grab investors’ attention. Here are five practical steps to get your startup off the ground, even if you’re lifting off from a small town: Forbes

Adman Turned Ad Entrepreneur

After making a fortune by selling his stake in Dentsu India, an adman turned ad entrepreneur Sandeep Goyal wants to make his firm Mogae Digital the country’s first? true? mobile ad agency BS

Google Launches Women Entrepreneurs Initiative in India

Co-launched by Pooja Srinivas, an associate manager at Google India, the initiative has already registered several domains this month, including Read more on Forbes

Distribution Is king. Much More So In India

The easiest way to tell if a PE/VC investor has earned their chops in India or in the west is when within 15 mins of your conversation the former will ask you: “Now that you have created your distribution network in India (or plan to create it) what else beyond your present offering can you pump through it?” This test has never failed me! Read more on VCCircle

Startup Village and other new business ventures in India   News Digest - 99